For a long time I was using browser bookmarks features to save links, but it doesn’t perform well on a large number of links as very often I didn’t return to reading them… So, I decided to put the most valuable and interesting for links into weekly posts.

  1. 10 Articles Every Programmer Must Read

    10 great articles (some of them even pretend to be small books) on different topics that every programmer should know. They tend to give a lot of useful and in-depth information about a particular topic, which otherwise is very hard to discover. Covers such topics as memory, Unicode, floating point arithmetic, networking, object oriented design, time, URL Encoding, String and more

  2. Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters

    A good tutorial about cache for web developers. Describes types of caches, how cache works, how to control cache and many others.

  3. An Introduction to Garbage Collection Part II—A Look Under the Hood

    Different algorithms of garbage collection described.

  4. Code Interview Reading List

    A big list of books and articles in case you need to prepare for the interview. Worth looking at :)

  5. Erlang and code style

    As maked in the article: Musings on mostly defensive programming styles. A good reading if you are using Erlang.

  6. I Failed a Twitter Interview

    A guy describes his experience on the interview to Twitter. What problems he was asked and how he solved them. A rather interesting problem is described in the post.

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